The Gilded Cage DEMO launched!

Hello, this is Enid, creator of the Gilded Cage. Finally got the demo released today and felt like something lifted from my chest, like it's the end. Maybe that's what Livvie feels like stepping out of the cage? But we all know it’s only the beginning of a long, long journey. 

What’s special about this story? I guess it’s what’s not special about this story. Everyone can have the best ideas in the world and the most epic adventure can happen all in their minds, never getting it out of their heads. Sounds stupid, but sadly, I’m one of these people. Alright not exactly the same but almost. I should put it this way: I felt ashamed to say that even though the story has been in webcomic and novel form before, it’s never finished. I always see lots and lots of holes in it, gaping at me and splashing cold water on my enthusiasm. And then I hated it to the point that I couldn’t carry myself to finish. It wasn’t perfect. It’s still not perfect, I have to admit that. But it’s okay. I got it out, finally achieving something. Let’s focus on that, shall we? It’s a small victory.

So thank you for reading this little rambling of a super indecisive artist. I hope we could walk alongside each other during the upcoming journey of the Gilded Cage. Feel free to try out the demo. Any feedback is welcome!

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